RayCoin Global
Raycoin Global is a decentralized financial cryptocurrency that enables and supports investors in lending and staking crypto assets without the use of a middleman.

3% Auto Liquidity
On every transaction (Buy or sell) 3% liquidity will be automatically added to the liquidity pool
3% Redistribution
To reward the holders, a 3% distribution fee will be applied on every transaction (buy or sell)
1% Space Reward
About 1% space funds will be added to reward pool on every transaction (buy or sell) to select one lucky holder on daily basis.
What is Ray Coin?
The universe of Cryptocurrency provides a basis for new decentralized and creative systems which will solve some of the world’s main challenges. The ray coin team aspires to lead the ecosystem and help link the potential of crypto with the difficulties of today’s decentralised financial system. SpiritSwap is the cryptocurrency marketplace of Fantom Opera Mainnet, where buyers and sellers may trade based on long-term speculative opinions on value. Ray coin is built on Fantom network (FRC20).

We are committed to enabling individuals and businesses to work more efficiently, effectively and without borders. Our global vision is a world of shared prosperity, where all people can thrive economically, no matter where they come from or who they are.

We are on a mission to improve the lives of everyone, especially those in less fortunate economic situations. We focus our efforts on reducing global poverty by utilizing the modern technology of digital currency and deploying it in a transaction method without borders.
Ok. Let’s talk about The Mechanics.🧑🔧
Once a year RAY COIN will be permanently removed from circulation. Burning is a straightforward procedure. Token burning is the purposeful action done by the creators to remove a specific amount of tokens from circulation.
3,299,999.67 <1% burnt FOREVER at Coins launch!

An automated liquidity pool is one of the RAY COIN protocol’s components. There are two purposes for liquidity pools. They can, for example, protect a cryptocurrency’s value during a selloff. Second, they have sufficient cash on hand to ensure that tokens traded on decentralized exchanges are readily available to buyers. The COINS are locked in the pool, ensuring liquidity and setting a price floor. For at least a year, RAY has pledged to keeping its liquidity on DX. There will be no rug pulls because this can’t be changed.
Core Values
We have the ability to remain results-oriented at all times. By establishing an open financial system, our plan will increase global innovation and efficiency.
Equal opportunities
An open environment that values variety while focusing on skills and abilities. We stand for accountability and self-determination. We encourage others around us to pursue their
We aspire for a borderless environment free of governmental constraints, making transactions more practical and efficient for everyone.
Our approach is based on networks that are not owned by anyone with a financial interest in personal information; users’ privacy is restored. They may fully own and benefit from their data’s worth.
Ray coin networks go through a constant security upgrading procedure, making them one of the safest IT systems in use today. Strong authentication and transaction verifications are ensured as a result of this.
Risk reduction
Financial accessibility, we think, is a right, not a privilege. We want to provide an economic framework for trade that allows parties to transact with a considerable reduction in transaction risk.
The main purpose of RayCoin is building a better tomorrow through easier finance.
Borderless opportunity.
Strong community.

Token Details
Token Name
Total Supply
Token Burnt

Token Type
Token Distribution
Holder Redistribution
You Deserve it.

Transaction Fee
So Do We.

First Contact.
Public Introduction.
1- Get verified on ftmscan
2- Start adding tokens to DEX LPs
3-ICO pre sale.
4- Small exchange listing
5-Move first portion of tokens for “Hunt”.

Second Contact.
The Secret Project.
1- The big announcement!
2- Traditional exchange listings
3- Happy Lil world reveal “Totality”
4- The 3 day burn party
5- Announcement of the annual The Burning
6- Hunt for power “ RayCoin treasure hunt”
7- Wallet exchanges

Third Contact.
RayCoin Community.

Fourth contact More community
1- Attention based projects “classes”
2- RayDay Gatherings.
3-Proposal for new native Coin